Summer: The season of FIRE.
Sunburnt noses and the endless humming of air-conditioners are all hallmark signs that indeed summer has arrived in Tucson. Like a bunch of vampires waiting for the sun to go down, we emerge like nocturnal desert animals in hopes we can beat the heat. Can you imagine existing without modern day luxuries? I sure can’t.
Summer according to Traditional Chinese Medicine is the time of expansion, big thinking, movement and growth. The organs associated with summer are the heart and small intestine. When we talk about the organs in Chinese Medicine, it doesn’t necessarily mean the typical western function of the organs. In other words, each organ in TCM has an emotion, color, flavor, season, direction etc.. associated with it. Understanding this, we can look to the elements to inspire us to live in according to nature and understand ourselves a little more deeply.
This is the most Yang season ( think full heat! ) and a great time to take action on projects you’ve been cultivating over the winter/spring seasons. Summer time brings A LOT of energy which you should act upon and soak up the rays of sunshine and get outdoors. Of course, this makes it hard if outdoors feels like an oven. BUT, in general, summer time is meant for play, cultivating new relationships and the manifesting our hearts desires!
The heart is said to house the mind, open to the tongue and is greatly affected by heat. When out of balance can lead to depression, insomnia, mania (in excess), heartburn, speech issues and poor memory.
To balance your body during the summer months:
1. Increase your hydration
2. Rise earlier and go to bed later in the evening
3. Enjoy cooling foods such as seasonal vegetables and fruits! You’ll want to minimize heavy greasy foods as well as warm in thermal nature foods like beef and lamb.
4. Enjoy outdoor activities and enjoy time with family/friends
Happy summer!~